I woke up like this...
Okayyyyyy… so this is why everyone looks so… ‘flawless’…….. and here I thought it was just “olive oil” and hashtag blessed life…
I do not condone this. I find it repulsive.
It makes me not trust even the good ones and it certainly makes me judge you, if you are in a position of ‘influence’ and this is what you use your platform for [cough jenny from the olive oil filter block and ‘influencers’].
I am aware that I have what is “looks privilege”. How could I not be aware of this? I was a model.
AS IF I was going to waste my youth not liking my looks when I was upheld and sold as an ‘epitome’.
Oh gosh, how people, sadly other women and predictably white males (a certain type, not my type of anything but types like this are now fondly dubbed incells and former communications advisors for tyrannical governments, insider joke) wished I was unintelligent.
I am 52 now, I feel I am hotter… and not just because of menopause.
I have talked many times about this; that how I mentally treated and viewed myself, how I viewed my physicality in my teens, 20s, 30s, as my vessel rather than a commodity… rewarded me in my bOlder years.
This fakery is not harmless, and not quite the art form that cosmetic application is. I do find that fascinating, it is an art but now is artifice.
PS. I don’t have any physical flaws. That’s on you.
Non physical flaws are in REPAIR & REISSUE stage.